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Our Services
We believe that God has placed us here in this country and has called each and every one of us to a local church. From those mature in years to the little children, we gather together in this one place to praise the Lord, hear His Words in the sermon and fellowship with one another in the name of Jesus.
Although the sermon is preached in Japanese, simultaneous translation is provided for English speakers.
Sunday Service: 10:30am
Communion: 3rd Sundays
*Nursery is provided during the morning service
Our Praise
Our service starts 10 minutes early when people start gathering in the sanctuary early to pray and prepare their hearts for the service. The actual service then starts with one of our worship leaders opening with a prayer and with songs of praise. In this way, we unite our hearts in the Lord and come into the Lord's presence. We sing a wide variety of songs from the old hymns and songs of faith to contemporary worship songs. Being a gathering of people walking out our Christian lives with joy, our church can be lively at times surprising our new comers. Our liveliness comes from enjoying the abundant life that we have in Christ Jesus and we show it forth in our praise and worship to our Lord.
The Sermon
Our sermons are preached by Pastor Stafford as well as the elders in our church. The preacher seeks the Word from the Lord and whether it is a Word of salvation and encouragement or a Word of repentance, they serve as a compass needle directing us in our daily lives. (Although the sermon is preached in Japanese, simultaneous translation is provided for English speakers.)
Communion & Fellowship
After the praise and worship and before the sermon, we have a time of greeting and fellowship. Going up to one another, we bless each other in the name of Jesus which not only blesses but encourages us knowing that we have brothers and sisters in the Lord surrounding us.
Once a month on the third Sundays, we have a time of communion where we partake together of the bread symbolizing the body of Christ and of the wine symbolizing the blood that was shed by Him for our sins. These elements is an outward showing of our belief and so we partake of this together in faith. Afterwards, we also share a physical meal ordering out and having lunch together in the sanctuary during which time you will hear lots of talking and laughter.
Sunday Schools
Our Sunday Schools start from 9 in the morning before the service starts. The classes are divided into two age groups: 3-years-old to elementary school and the junior and senior high school. The younger age group is taught the Bible at their level of understanding using drawing, coloring and many other fun crafts. The high school class is taught the Words in the Bible and how you can apply it to your daily lives and walk out your faith. ›› photogallery